Get higher career and   higher salary!

Use COVID times to prepare for it – follow my 5-step-strategy

Go for it and take it all!

Do not despair – your current work life is definitively not, what you planned. Nevertheless, you can make the best out of any situation! So, why don’t you use the lockdown to start preparing your next career step and a higher salary.

What do you need to consider?
#highercareer #nextcareerstep #careermove #career #highersalary #salarynegotiation #careergoals #nextSteps #CareerSteps

  • Step 1) sit down and reassess what you really like about your job and where you are good at – and ask family, friends and colleagues, where you are exceeding their expectations. Don’t ask your boss yet – this comes at a later stage! Very important: note it down.


  • Step 2) What do you really want to get and what are you ready to invest? Nothing comes for free – so, please reflect carefully whether you really want to get more responsibility, maybe a different employer or a better paid job in another city/ country, maybe a different work schedule etc., etc.?


  • Step 3) Do your research:
    What is your current annual total compensation (gross)?
    What is the market value of your current and desired position?
    When is the right time to address career and salary discussions?With whom do you need to talk?



  • Step 4) Where can you add value to your current or future job beyond the normal job description? Note down carefully and confirm with data. After all, you will only get promoted for the little extra you bring to your position.


  • Step 5) Fix an appointment for a career talk, relax and exhale before you start the discussion. Don’t forget, your employer is not your enemy!


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